A Dictionary of Dream Symbols.
Ackroyd, E. (2017). Symbols. 3rd
Edition. Croydon, CRO: CPI Group (UK)
The book begins by discussing how to interpret dreams and discussing the theories of dreams from Jung, Freud, and Gestalt.
The Interpretation of Dreams.
Freud, S. (2009). Revised Edition.
Scotts Valley, CA.
Freuds discusses the psychological aspects of dreams. He explains how people’s
dreams are the result of their unconscious attempting to resolve conflicts within
Dreams and Nightmares
Downing, J., & Marmorstein, R. (1997). 2nd Ed. Gouldboro, Maine: The Gestalt Journal Press
The author Jack Downing, provides detailed examples of group sessions where
Gestalt therapy dream work.
The Mindful Way to a Good Night’s Sleep
Gover, Tzivia (2017). North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing.
Tzivia Gover discusses how to sleep better to remember and journal your dreams.
Dream-Singers; The African American Way with Dreams.
Shafton, Anthony (2002). New York: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This book is a fine combination of fieldwork and scholarship written in an informal, non-academic style.
Anthony Shafton interviewed 116 African Americans
Healing Dreams
Barasch, M. (2000). Exploring the Dreams That Can Transform Your Life. New York, NY: Penguin Putnam, Inc.
The book is about the spiritual and healing aspects of dreams.
Dream Catcher
Garfield, P. (2003). Toronto,Ontario:
Tundra Books.
Dream Catcher: A Young Person’s Journal for exploring Dreams is an excellent book in helping children started doing dream work. I also feel like this book can also be
used by adults because the author, Patricia Garfield, outlines the basics for journaling
Dream language: Self-understanding through imagery and color.
Hoss, R. J., & Feinstein, D. (2005).
Ashland: Innersource.
This book begins with scientific information on sleep and dreams. This gives the
reader a clear foundation about what happens when one is sleeping and how
dreaming occurs.
Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language
Sanford, John. (1989).New York, NY: HarperOne.
The author looks at the spiritual aspect of dreams. He gives examples of how various
people in the Bible received messages from God in their dreams.
Nightmares in Mental Disorders: A Review.
Lemyre, A., Bastien, C., & Vallieres, A. (2019). Nightmares in Mental Disorders: A Review.
Dreaming. 29 (2), pp 144-166.
Researchers examined the nightmares of individuals who were diagnosed with mental disorders. They also examined the differences in the experience of
nightmares between mental disorders.